This one has been highly requested by so many of you and I couldn't resist going back to the basics.
If I were starting over from scratch with
- no money
- no product
- and a small audience,
Here's exactly how I'd make $1000 in 30 days or less by selling my knowledge online.
(all you need is your brain and the internet)
What I'm about to share with you works if you work it.
This is the exact system I used to generate $4,863 in only 6 days.
In this short article, I'll cover offer creation, social media sales strategy and a good mindset flip on pricing.
Let's jump in.
When I started selling my knowledge online, I just wanted to sell eBooks.
But If I was starting over from scratch today as a beginner, I'd not start with eBooks.
Look at this math -
To make $1000 selling eBooks, you'd need
100 people x $10 = $1000
A smarter, faster way to the money would be to create a high-value 1-on-1 offer that you can sell above $100.
Now you need to find only
10 people x $100 = $1000
4 people x $250 = $1000
even better
1 person x $1000 = $1000
The key here is to create an offer so good that people cannot say no.
Then position it in front of people who need it and who can pay you.
Like this ↓
First, think about what you can sell.
- What problems have you solved for yourself?
- What results have you gotten in the past?
- What do people ask you for help with?
- What do you know like the back of your palm?
Next, identify exactly who needs this offer and the demographic of the people who can afford it.
- Who are they?
- What do they complain about?
- What keeps them up at night?
Next, create your high-value offer.
Tie your expertise to their problem and come up with a solution.
A high-value offer paints a vivid, clear picture of worth in the buyer's mind.
But it will also
- Promise their dream outcome
- Prove they can achieve it
- Reduce the time it takes
- Simplify the steps to get there
For example, let's assume you're a weight loss coach for women.
Offer 1 - 1-on-1 Coaching - How to lose post-pregnancy weight fast ($200)
Offer 2
- Bounce Back Mama - 1-on-1 coaching to help you drop post-pregnancy
weight in 60 days, without going to expensive gyms, while still eating
all the foods you love (includes accountability + grocery lists and
healthy nutrition guides) ($200)
Do you see the difference?
Which one of these do you think is worth the price?
Can you see how Offer 2 can easily be priced at whatever the coach decides its value is?
To create an offer you can charge more money for, you must
- Be specific about the outcomes
- Be confident in your promise
- Remove barriers to success
- Be clear on your targeting
- Include even more value
Don't Sell Information
Your information is valuable.
But nobody wants to pay for information in 2023. They want to pay for their dreams and transformation and positive outcomes.
If you want to monetize your knowledge, don't sell information.
Sell solutions to real problems.
Next, deliver your Offer
Now that we are clear on your offer, let's move to how you'll deliver this offer and earn $1000 in 30 days or less.
There are 2 simple ways I teach my students to do this.
- Sell 1.1 coaching
- Sell a group class
Your 1-to-1 can be priced much higher than a group class, but they are similar.
I enjoy group classes because they allow me to serve many people at a time and also create community.
But if you're just getting started, start with 1-to-1 to build your confidence.
The plan is to work with as many people as you can, get results, generate testimonials, and eventually have a tested offer that you can turn into a digital product.
Set the right price for your offer
Next, let's take care of that pricing issue.
Many beginners worry about the price. Don't be like them.
Start thinking about your price as a reflection of the value you offer.
Remember, your clients are not paying for 1 hour of your time.
They are paying for the results contained in that 1 hour.
Here are 2 keys to help you set the right price.

Use your discernment.
Now, the most important part..
Get customers.
Give yourself the goal of focusing only on attracting clients.
- Create a landing page
- Set up a virtual Ticket (I use
- Make sure to write a detailed description of your offer
- Create content daily online (X / Instagram / LinkedIn, Email)
- add a CTA to direct people to buy your ticket /offer
But there is a catch.
On social media, don't tell your followers to go click the link in your bio, you'd lose your buyers.
Do this instead 

Especially when you still have a small audience. You need to know exactly who is interested in your offer.
This DM strategy will also help you
- Follow up with prospects
- Do Market research via chats
- Collate a list of Potential clients
So now your complete $1000 plan looks like
- Create an offer
- Post daily content
- Make CTA to DM you
- Send the link to book with you
- Follow up till they give you their moneyYou cannot fail if you follow this plan.All the work rests on the type of content you share, positioning yourself in front of the right audience and the value perception of your offer.Bookmark this, use it, and go sell something valuable before the week ends.Happy November Tolulope!See you in the next one,Eva_____________________Here's how I can help you now ↓
Steal 60 Minutes on the clock to coach with me 1-on-1. I'll work with you on any questions you have on Mindset, Marketing, and your Monetization strategy. We will work on your content, audience growth plan, digital products, offer creation, and sales funnel strategy.
This is a full 1-on-1 exclusive, and the price will continue to go up.Grab my FREE Monetization Report - 17 hard lessons I wish I had known before I started selling my knowledge online. Avoid these mistakes at all costs. Grab your instant download now while it's still free
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